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Necks are part of the spine just like backs, and they can be hurt in pretty much all the same ways. There’s a reason for the saying ‘pain in the neck’ – as living with neck pain can be very uncomfortable and limit a lot of your movement.

At Pacific Coast Osteopathy we experts at treating neck pain:

  • Diagnosing the root cause of your neck pain.

  • Providing the most effective short term treatment.

  • Creating a long-term management strategy.

What can trigger neck pain?

While our neck is really mobile, it’s also needed to act like a support for our shoulders whenever we’re using our upper body for something like lifting.

This is why we often end up with neck pain from doing things that don’t appear to have much to do with the neck at face value such as lifting up our kids, doing push-ups or pull-ups, or hanging heavy laundry up on the clothesline!

Necks are fairly complicated things, so if you are having ongoing neck pain, please see a professional to have it evaluated.


Struggling with neck pain?
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